Beer review form Reviewer info: Your Name (required): Your Email (required): Your Qualifications/BJCP Rank: Novice (non-BJCP)Experienced (but not in BJCP)Professional BrewerBJCP ApprenticeBJCP RecognizedBJCP CertifiedBJCP NationalBJCP MasterBJCP Grand MasterBJCP Honorary Master Beer info: BJCP beer Style (required): ---Unknown???01A American Light Lager01B American Lager01C Cream Ale01D American Wheat Beer02A International Pale Lager02B International Amber Lager02C International Dark Lager03A Czech Pale Lager03B Czech Premium Pale Lager03C Czech Amber Lager03D Czech Dark Lager04A Munich Helles04B Festbier04C Helles Bock05A German Leichtbier05B Kölsch05C German Helles Exportbier05D German Pils06A Märzen06B Rauchbier06C Dunkles Bock07A Vienna Lager07B Altbier07C Pale Kellerbier07C Amber Kellerbier08A Munich Dunkel08B Schwarzbier09A Doppelbock09B Eisbock09C Baltic Porter10A Weissbier10B Dunkles Weissbier10C Weizenbock11A Ordinary Bitter11B Best Bitter11C Strong Bitter12A British Golden Ale12B Australian Sparkling Ale12C English IPA13A Dark Mild13B British Brown Ale13C English Porter14A Scottish Light14B Scottish Heavy14C Scottish Export15A Irish Red Ale15B Irish Stout15C Irish Extra Stout16A Sweet Stout16B Oatmeal Stout16C Tropical Stout16D Foreign Extra Stout17A British Strong Ale17B Old Ale17C Wee Heavy17D English Barleywine18A Blonde Ale18B American Pale Ale19A American Amber Ale19B California Common19C American Brown Ale20A American Porter20B American Stout20C Imperial Stout21A American IPA21B Specialty IPA - Belgian IPA21B Specialty IPA - Black IPA21B Specialty IPA - Brown IPA21B Specialty IPA - Red IPA21B Specialty IPA - Rye IPA21B Specialty IPA - White IPA22A Double IPA22B American Strong Ale22C American Barleywine22D Wheatwine23A Berliner Weisse23B Flanders Red Ale23C Oud Bruin23D Lambic23E Gueuze23F Fruit Lambic24A Witbier24B Belgian Pale Ale24C Bière de Garde25A Belgian Blond Ale25B Saison25C Belgian Golden Strong Ale26A Trappist Single26B Belgian Dubbel26C Belgian Tripel26D Belgian Dark Strong Ale27A Gose27A Kentucky Common27A Lichtenhainer27A London Brown Ale27A Piwo Grodziskie27A Pre-Prohibition Lager27A Pre-Prohibition Porter27A Roggenbier27A Sahti28A Brett Beer28B Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer28C Wild Specialty Beer29A Fruit Beer29B Fruit and Spice Beer29C Specialty Fruit Beer30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer30B Autumn Seasonal Beer30C Winter Seasonal Beer31A Alternative Grain Beer31B Alternative Sugar Beer32A Classic Style Smoked Beer32B Specialty Smoked Beer33A Wood-Aged Beer33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer34A Clone Beer34B Mixed-Style Beer34C Experimental Beer Beer serving style (required): ---DraftBottleCanCaskGrowler Special Ingredients if known: Serving photo (optional): Descriptor Definitions (Mark all that apply): Acetaldehyde – Green apple-like aroma and flavour.Alcoholic – The aroma, flavour, and warming effect of ethanol and higher alcohols. Sometimes described as hot.Astringent – Puckering, lingering harshness and/or dryness in the finish/aftertaste; harsh graininess; huskiness.Diacetyl – Artificial butter, butterscotch, or toffee aroma and flavour. Sometimes perceived as a slickness on the tongue.DMS (dimethyl sulfide) – At low levels, a sweet, cooked or canned corn-like aroma and flavour.Estery – Aroma and/or flavour of any ester (fruits, fruit flavourings, or roses).Grassy – Aroma/flavour of fresh-cut grass or green leaves.Light-Struck – Similar to the aroma of a skunk.Metallic – Tinny, coiny, copper, iron, or blood-like flavour.Musty – Stale, musty, or mouldy aromas/flavours.Oxidized – Any one or combination of stale, winy/vinous, cardboard, papery, or sherry-like aromas and flavours.Phenolic – Spicy (clove, pepper), smoky, plastic, plastic adhesive strip, and/or medicinal (chlorophenolic).Solvent – Aromas and flavours of higher alcohols (fusel alcohols). Similar to acetone or lacquer thinner aromas.Sour/Acidic – Tartness in aroma and flavour. Can be sharp and clean (lactic acid), or vinegar-like (acetic acid).Sulfur – The aroma of rotten eggs or burning matches.Vegetal – Cooked, canned, or rotten vegetable aroma and flavour (cabbage, onion, celery, asparagus, etc.)Yeasty – A bready, sulfury or yeast-like aroma or flavour Aroma Comment on malt, hops, esters, and other aromatics Score on aroma: ---1211109876543210 /12 Appearance Comment on color, clarity, and head (retention, color, and texture) Score on appearance: ---3210 /3 Flavour Comment on malt, hops, fermentation characteristics, balance, finish/aftertaste, and other flavor characteristics Score on flavour: ---20191817161514131211109876543210 /20 Mouthfeel Comment on body, carbonation, warmth, creaminess, astringency, and other palate sensations Score on mouthfeel: ---543210 /5 Overall Impression Comment on overall drinking pleasure associated with entry, give suggestions for improvement Score on overall: ---109876543210 /10 Total score: Stylistic Accuracy Classic Example Not to Style 54321 Technical Merit Flawless Significant Flaws 54321 Intangibles Wonderful Lifeless 54321 SCORING GUIDE Outstanding (45 - 50): World-class example of style Excellent (38 - 44): Exemplifies style well, requires minor fine-tuning Very Good (30 - 37): Generally within style parameters, some minor flaws Good (21 - 29): Misses the mark on style and/or minor flaws Fair (14 - 20): Off flavors, aromas or major style deficiencies Problematic (0 - 13): Major off flavors and aromas dominate Send your scoresheet to: you will get a copy too Friend's Name (required) Friend's Email (required) More emails Additional notes