About my home brewery
This is a personal blog describing the building process and the operation of my home operated Brewery.
I’m trying to be as clear as I can be describing the processes and the tools that I use in my homebrewery.
You can view the Instagram feed here as well.
How it all started
My journey into home brewing started when I received a wedding gift from my friends: ‘a homebrew kit’ (2011)

From batch to batch I learned some new things regarding brewing.
In 2014, I decided to move into all grain method since I realized that I want to be in greater control of the processes and the flavours of the beer that I get.
For 4 months each day at evening after work, I was watching hundreds or even thousands of YouTubes and reading articles explaining how to build different parts in the brewery.
The building process started and after 10 months I was the proud owner of DIY homebrewery operated by gas and electricity.

Diving into IOT
January 2016, in a regular visit at the local homebrew shop to stock up with ingredients,
the owner of the shop asked me something regarding the electric controller in my homebrewery.
” Do you think it is possible to send the temperature readings into a remote screen? “
The owner’s question started another journey for me. This time into the world of “The Internet of Things”
As it was before, I started to watch Youtube videos and read articles regarding the internet of things, microcomputers, automation.
Terms like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, esp8266, Linux and sketch files started to become familiar for me.
After several days I knew that my next project will be “IoT home scale operated Brewery”.
I started the building process of the control computer for my brewery, using open source projects, configuring different sensors, different devices, writing some code and connecting it to my mobile device.
After 3 months of work, my IoT brewery was ready.

Sharing the knowledge
When I finished building the IoT brewery, I realized that I learned so much from the homebrewers community and that I need to share back my knowledge and my experience with the brewers out there.
I made a public list of all the parts that I used in my setup.
A google sheet list for all the parts of my brewery and links where to buy them.
Another project that I started for my local homebrewers community is a facebook group dealing with IoT brewing
And finally this blog, which is more dedicated to documenting the brewing process itself.
You are most welcome to browse around, learn about different things that I post here, starting from building processes following the monitoring of brewing process and the recipes as well.
Cheers, and enjoy!